Projects with this topic
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Application for generating a rules file that can be used with OpenHab 2.0. A file can be easily generated by modifying an input file in form of a table.
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Situs ini adalah generator untuk frasa sandi acak (passphase / xkcd-style password / diceware)
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Minimal blog boilerplate made with gatsby and react.
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Stylish ASCTT render engine built on Electron
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Generate .desktop and .directory files following the Desktop Entry Specification
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OpenAPI to io-ts: Generates io-ts schema from OpenAPI schema.
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A Google+ static archive generator
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gradle plugin: generate java constant source file from key in a properties file
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Generates a Jeopardy answer in HTML/CSS
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Simple generator for complex html. Templateless, fast, pure pythonic with perfect indentation.
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Automatically generate configurable hero grids, based on pick rates, sorted by winrates, with adjustable Core and Support ranks. Data provided by STRATZ (
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Share what you know on the README World Knowledge Exchange with the README WorldPress personal publishing platform.
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Input Markdown, YAML, and a DOCX style guide. Output DOCX and PDF. PowerShell wrapper around Pandoc.
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Configurable minimal site "Hello World" generator for CoreMedia CMS-9 to obtain clean starting points for content setup.
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Um gerador de senhas simples, feito em PHP e jQuery.
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A website which generates a random genre upon every visit.
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Register and keep track of work hours in terminal