Projects with this topic
Guide for installing SailfishOS, with focus on Sony Xperias
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Command-line notes on various topics and software
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Howto for creation of reveal.js presentations with emacs-reveal from Org mode sources
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Introduction to I2S on Teensy 4.1.
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Learn how to program Teensy 4.1 using Arduino IDE.
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Simple project to learn how to use I2S on ESP32. Uses MAX98357A mono amp and an INMP441 MEMS microphone.
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A collection of docker compose scripts to help you deploy fediverse services behind a traefik proxy
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The main site where I use Antora to aggregate and publish notes and docs on things I study and learn.
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This is a repository of some Linux HowTo's of mine.
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Just a sort of starter demo projects like a hello-world.
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Notes on videos uploaded to BitChute
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Slackermedia is documentation providing the information a user will need to create a full multimedia studio from a Slackware base install.
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The continuing manual for the Radical Militant Library Original draft was done by one of the libraries main contributors: kittyhawk thanks for any suggestion