Projects with this topic
A general-purpose toolkit designed to simplify the development of modular, plugin-aware, multi-threaded, and object-oriented applications for both knowns and unknowns, literally and figuratively!
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Key platform data integrations repo
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InfluxDB V3 time series support for MasterPiece
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Docker stack for monitoring things (Grafana, InfluxDB, Nexus433, MQTT and stuff)
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homematic xml api bridge to influx
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Docker Container for collecting Cable Fritzbox data on Internet quality and connectivity. Collecting data to Influx2.x DB
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Pure Go InfluxDB server for Go unittests
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Linux host monitoring through standard SSH connections.
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monitors an Oekofen pellet heating system using JSON analyzed by python-script, sent to influxdb and dashboard created by using grafana
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Time Series database using an InfluxDB instance for CarbonCollins - Cloud
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Portainer -compatible InfluxDB docker-compose
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uses api to collect cloud and radiation as hourly values. writes them to influxDB for grafana dashboard usage.
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monitor RIKA Domo (and others from RIKA) pellet stove using firestick extension. Check cloud communication and fetch JSON data.
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Monitoring stack for Docker/Portainer to be deployed on a Raspberry Pi 4
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IoT Dashboard developed with the MEVN stack. Here is hosted the client side.