Projects with this topic
Library helping with network requests, tasks management, logger, file based data storage, crypto, JNI and others useful things during app development process. Build with cross-platform environment in mind.
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Simple messaging app with ChatGPT integration.
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Mobile application for Android and IO's aimed at saving economic and human resources during crop production and agricultural seasons .
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Author: Hayr Hotoca |
Package URL:
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React Native OCR package to read text from Image
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Roguelike game made with libGDX for Android, Destkop, and HTML5 in where players have to complete a 50-level depth procedurally generated dungeon.
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The main purpose of the app to show the nearest restaurants and food sections to the users
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The wallet app is made by using React Native, and runs on both Platforms. Main functionality to send the tokens and receive them on Ethereum main-net, and 3 more test-nets. Used ethers library to implement. Also, the app can support multi user authentication which is held by AsyncStorage. Moreover, coingecko and rainbow charts are used to display latest token price changes and their charts.
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Social application developed for the use of real-time chats.
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The mobile x-platform presence of
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React Native responsive app uses API to show upcoming moveis along side with several genere movies.
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Rapid mobile app development platform for QiR (Quality in Research) conference and similar conferences at the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia.
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Application developed for the administration of inventories and distribution of the company .
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This plugin enables VOIP notifications functionality for your ionic project. It receives notification and init call. Also allows you handle call answering