JavaScript (JS) is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled and multi-paradigm programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification.
Projects with this topic
A remote software engineering job portal, is built using React, React Query, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
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This is the integration of two APIs created on the local server. Here is a work by ASK: my Alexa skill, which will get a request from someone’s voice and send it to GPT3 API, after resending it back, preparing, and saying it to the user. The project is under development.
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Warehouse Utilities for B2C Furniture
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Welcome to my web developer portfolio! This repository showcases my expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through a range of dynamic projects. The well-structured sections—Home, About, Services, Portfolio, and Contact—offer a comprehensive view of my skills. I've integrated Swiper.js and ScrollReveal.js for smooth navigation and engaging animation
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🐾 Jeu de MémoireDescription du Projet
👋🏿 Bienvenue dans mon premier projet de formation, "Jeu de Mémoire" ! Ce jeu interactif vous permet de tester votre mémoire en associant des paires d'images.Actuellement, il propose une interface utilisateur complète, incluant l'inscription, la connexion, la gestion de profil et, bien sûr, le jeu lui-même. Le développement est en cours et de nouvelles fonctionnalités seront ajoutées au fur et à mesure.
Interface d'inscription: Formulaire permettant de créer un compte avec un nom d'utilisateur, un e-mail, un mot de passe et la confirmation du mot de passe.
Connexion : Interface prête pour permettre la connexion via e-mail et mot de passe (fonctionnalité en cours d'implémentation).
Profil utilisateur : Consultez et modifiez votre profil, avec vos informations d'inscription.
Choix du type de Memory: Sélectionnez parmi plusieurs thèmes de jeu.
Jeu interactif: Jouez en retournant les cartes pour retrouver les paires correspondantes.
Design Responsive: L'interface s'adapte aux différentes tailles d'écrans, offrant une expérience fluide sur mobile et desktop.
Technologies Utilisées
HTML: Structure du site web. CSS: Styles et mise en page. JavaScript : Gestion de la logique de jeu (retournement des cartes, etc.). Git: Gestion de version du projet. Visual Studio Code : Éditeur de codeUpdated -
[PL] Projekt Ghostyportfolio powstał jako część pracy inżynierkskiej.
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Welcome to my personal website hosted on Gitlab Pages. Here you'll find information about me, my interests as well as other cool stuff.
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Shoplee is a full-featured e-commerce platform built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). It offers users the ability to browse, buy, and sell products with a seamless, user-friendly experience. The platform includes secure user authentication and authorization using JWT, allowing users to register, log in, and manage their accounts. Sellers can list products with images, descriptions, and prices, while buyers can search and filter through various categories. Shoplee features a shopping cart system, enabling users to add, update, and remove items before proceeding to checkout with integrated secure payment options. Additionally, users can view their order history and track current purchases. The admin panel provides tools for managing products, users, and orders, ensuring smooth operations. Built with a modern tech stack, Shoplee is scalable, responsive, and designed for optimal user interaction, making it an ideal solution for online shopping and selling.
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"Proof of concept of how to use the Lambda Test platform to run automated web tests using Selenium WebDriver."
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Complete LWS playlist from youtube
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This project is a frontend application developed using React. It provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the backend management application.
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$ASH Price Discord sidebar bot.
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Einfache Anwendung zum Sammeln und Kategorisieren von Bildern, auf Basis einer Node.js REST API.
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Unofficial API (backend) for torrent trackers RuTracker, Kinozal, RuTor and NoNameClub. Used for fast and centralized search of distribution, receiving torrent files, magnetic links and detailed information about distribution by movie title, series or distribution identifier, and also provides news RSS feed to all providers with filtering by categories.
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Final project of the 42 Lausanne cursus.