Projects with this topic
An example React project built with HOCs and Context used to demonstrate testing tools including jest and react-test-renderer.
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Reusable configurations to get projects started quickly.
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A simple project based on React, Reactstrap and Axios. See for more details.
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Aplikacja ma rozwiązywać problem łatwej wizualizacji telemetrii przesyłanej z pojazdów. W zależności od uprawnień nadanych przez administratora pojazdu dane będą udostępniane odpowiednim osobą. Odbiorca będzie mógł je procesować, przetwarzać, agregować, wizualizować w wybrany przez siebie sposób.
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react + typescript + d3.js 資料視覺化
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School Project A website to book business trips for your employees.
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Implements custom selectable multi checkbox component with a filter.
Selected checkboxes doesn't effected by filter results on default and filter does not match casing intentionally.
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Это веб приложение банк которое дает возможность хранить счета, обменивать криптовалюты и многое другое
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Project used to represent the UI for our Annual Project.
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Projet support pour le meetup TDD. Le projet est écrit en javascript. Il utilise le framework Jest pour la gestion des tests unitaires.
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GoatDNF is a tool for fetching and aggregating web domain data based on IANA's Root Zone Database. Current deployments can be found here.
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My solution to the "GitHub user search app" challenge on Frontend Mentor
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My solution to the "Interactive Card Details Form" challenge on Frontend Mentor
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A configurable Pomodoro timer.
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