Projects with this topic
Implements custom selectable multi checkbox component with a filter.
Selected checkboxes doesn't effected by filter results on default and filter does not match casing intentionally.
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Это веб приложение банк которое дает возможность хранить счета, обменивать криптовалюты и многое другое
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It's intended to prepare a simple to do application while making use of up-to-date technology stack.
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Projet support pour le meetup TDD. Le projet est écrit en javascript. Il utilise le framework Jest pour la gestion des tests unitaires.
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My solution to the "GitHub user search app" challenge on Frontend Mentor
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My solution to the "Interactive Card Details Form" challenge on Frontend Mentor
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A configurable Pomodoro timer.
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This is a test task of one of the companies, which I completed simply "for myself".
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Cours de tests unitaires pour l'IUT en 2022
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Simple e-commerce app using microservices built with Node JS + Express, React + NextJS, Typescript, Docker, and Kubernetes.
Based on Stephen Grider's Udemy course named "Microservices with Node JS and React"
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An Example Stream Application using Feathers with Next.js and React Hooks, Redux-Observable, and RxJS
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Spreadsheet on javascript
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A base code to start developing React apps with Typescript.