Projects with this topic
Language Specific Examples of Topics and Various Web Development Projects & Pages. Cheatsheets For Programming Languages.
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MyBB with Minus World plugins, themes, and core modifications.
Credentials + configuration files are not hosted here.
MUST be closed source due to relying on the Respond theme as a base
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The ACP3 CMS is a highly customizable and easy to use web content management system based on PHP and MySQL.
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Aplikasi ini dapat membantu sekolah untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dalam pengelolaan absensi siswa dan membuat proses absensi lebih mudah dan efektif.
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My first attempt at fullstack development at my 13-14 years old, self-written CMS on PHP/MySQL
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E-commerce web application. Responsive bootstrap template. MVC architecture. Paypal payment integration. Design patterns. MySQL database utilization for listing products.
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RESTful API interface for managing CRUD operations into few datasources. Additional UI for replicating the http requests via simple form submission. Implementing by following MVC design pattern Using JWT access and refresh tokens for authorization accessing the data resourcesUpdated
Pagination for incoming data source. Consuming/manipulating rest api, database data. Vanilla PHP.
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Application for user management. CRUD on users, database storage, user panel, managing user data, vote system, Vanilla PHP
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The Sales Web Application repository houses a comprehensive PHP-based system designed for managing orders within a small business framework. Featuring distinct user roles (Admin, Supervisor, Customer), the application ensures secure authentication and meticulous backend architecture, leveraging MySQL for data management. It facilitates seamless creation and management of supervisors, customers, products, and orders, complemented by integration with a mobile app for convenient accessibility and real-time updates. The project prioritizes intuitive UI/UX design and adheres to best practices in coding and documentation, aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and user experience across web and mobile platforms.
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Simple textboard written in PHP and powered by SQLite
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English: The project aims to create a web page with CRUD functionalities, dynamically, using Bootstrap 5, PHP, CSS, Jquery, Javascript and Mysql.
Pt-BR: O projeto tem como objetivo criar uma página web com as funcionalidades CRUD, de forma dinâmica, utilizando Bootstrap 5, PHP, CSS, Jquery, Javascript e Mysql.
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✅ XCL - Web Application Platform : A Simple, Secure and Scalable Modular ArchitectureUpdated -
Este CRUD esta hecho con la ayuda de tecnologías como lo son HTML, CSS, Javascript, acompañado de frameworks como Bootstrap, jquery y en la base de datos Firebase.
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Food Stock Ordering System (foodu/foodstock)
Updated - Prezentace klubu Jazz Ungelt s administračním rozhraním na míru, spuštěna v roce 2011. Největší update od spuštění upravoval poněkud zastaralou fasádu pro responzivní zobrazování mobilních zařízeních. Implementuje funkce služby GoOut. Dodnes v provozu.
UpdatedUpdated -,,, Prezentace s administračním rozhraním pro několik osobních volnočasových projektů. V projektu Kabar(du)et je implementována platební brána ComGate.
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