Projects with this topic
Language Specific Examples of Topics and Various Web Development Projects & Pages. Cheatsheets For Programming Languages.
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MyBB with Minus World plugins, themes, and core modifications.
Credentials + configuration files are not hosted here.
MUST be closed source due to relying on the Respond theme as a base
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Listojs is an experimental single-page application (SPA) that allows api-communications, and adresses several purposes. For more detailed information, please contact the project-maintainer directly at:
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Aplikasi ini dapat membantu sekolah untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dalam pengelolaan absensi siswa dan membuat proses absensi lebih mudah dan efektif.
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Application for user management. CRUD on users, database storage, user panel, managing user data, vote system, Vanilla PHP
Updated - Ideal para mostrar tus tiendas o agencias en el mapa de tu pais, en este caso Venezuela.
Updated - Prezentace klubu Jazz Ungelt s administračním rozhraním na míru, spuštěna v roce 2011. Největší update od spuštění upravoval poněkud zastaralou fasádu pro responzivní zobrazování mobilních zařízeních. Implementuje funkce služby GoOut. Dodnes v provozu.
UpdatedUpdated -,,, Prezentace s administračním rozhraním pro několik osobních volnočasových projektů. V projektu Kabar(du)et je implementována platební brána ComGate.
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adon has jQuery patterns the elioWay, with working examples so you can create your own elioSin.adon()
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Fork of Duena Wordpress Theme, with updates
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Mi página web personal con función de portal para enlazar a todos los proyectos, colaboraciones, trabajos, servicios, curriculum y también información resumida sobre mi trayectoria.
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A SinglePageApp, made with SammyJs, consuming eliobones@mongoose-bones REST API, the elioWay.
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This is sample use of GraphQL by using jQuery to connect with your own GraphQL Server or GraphCMS (now is
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Projeto básico para avaliação em um processo seletivo
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This authentication application foundation is the Sahat hackathon starter. I expanded features with permissions and roles through a RESTful API. Thus, the application can run headless or run with a GUI.
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Proyecto Final de Laboratorio de Programación Técnico Superior en Sistemas Informaticos UTN Facultad Regional General Pacheco Año: 2019 Cuatrimestre: 1
Website con Boostrap, Java, Jquery, Hibernate, Spring, MVC.