Projects with this topic
Repozitorij pri predmetu Numerična matematika v šolskem letu 2022/23
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Use functions from known finite domains instead of dictionaries or dataframes.
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A simple plane wave density functional theory Julia code.
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[URBIO] This package allows a production environment to take advantage of Sentry, an error monitoring, release tracking, and transaction tracing platform.
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Implementation guidelines and details:
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Gradiva za vaje in domače naloge pri predmetu Numerična matematika na FRI v šolskem letu 2018/19
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Julia project for working with the normalized Laplacian spread
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Modelling dynamics of main-belt asteroids
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Some simple codes calculating different quantities in quantum information theory. They are:
Fisher information map, height of a POVM, eigenvectors of mutually unbiased basis, SDPs for compatibility of 2 and 3 POVMs, success probability of (Quantum) Random Access Codes, Zhu's criterion for incompatibility
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Performing weighted orthogonal regression
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Generating galaxy rotation curves and inferring model parameters from them
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A lightweight Julia support for org mode using ESS
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[URBIO] A Julia AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) Client
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Lightweight library for working with spectra of graphs
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[URBIO] A combination of automatic parameterised types and default values for structs.
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My website brought to you by Franklin.jl
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Preparation of articles for scientific journals, plotting
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A personal Julia packages registry
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Jupyter notebooks describing the steps to prepare illustrations, figures or animations shared on social media.