Projects with this topic
Rails Auto-deploy Helm Chart with Sidekiq & Redis support See for more information.
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A GitOps workflow example for multi-env deployments with Flux, Kustomize and Helm tweaked to work with GitLab CI
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A open multi-tenant backup solution to backup different services within a kubernetes cluster to different storage targets using Rclone. Currently does backups of mongoDB or postgresSQL to every Rclone compatible backend. Packed as helm chart.
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This repo contains an ansible script to deploy Managed Kubernetes on azure (aks) it contains an var file for a mini aks cluster
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Toy project to automate running kubernetes as systemd containers
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First-part-application for T-Systems Java School
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My personal resume, created with Hugo, hosted via Gitlab Pages
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SSH over HTTPS with Traefik
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Kubernetes monitoring by Zabbix via Prometheus API.
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This is a demo for CI/CD implementation using GitLab CI with flask app
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namespacelego help to generate Namespace template for K8S
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Simple showcase of a lightweight Kubernetes deployment.
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servicelego helps to generate service template for K8S