Projects with this topic
THYRSIS extension for QGIS.
The documentation is available in English ( and in French (
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A single-header C++ library of angle-based flattening algorithms
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A library to perform fast simplification of 3D surface meshes
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ESP32 ESP-IDF and ESP8266 RTOS SDK component for ESP-NOW based mesh network.
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Introduction Sample on the capabilities of the Mesh API Topics: #algorithm #point-cloud #mesh #sample #sick-appspace
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structAirfoilMesher is a structured airfoil mesh generator, initially based on Construct2D.
For a list of modifications and additions, see the file.
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Sample for PointCloud matching using Mesh from CAD model. Topics: #Algorithm #Point-Cloud #Mesh #Matching #Sample #SICK-AppSpace
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Geometry generation and processing utilities
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Geometry utilities, including spatial data structures and geometry algorithms.
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A pure rust implementation of Tom Forsyth's linear-speed vertex cache optimization
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Run your own internet services
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Basic 2D triangulation. Note: It is not angle-optimal at all.
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Small Project with an implementation of a LoRa Node which (when multiple Nodes are in Range) create a dump Mesh like P2P Network and exchange any Data given in the specified Protocol.
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This is the repository for RAGE. The purpose of this "bare bones" engine is to be a teaching aid/tool at the undergraduate level; it's not intended for professional game development.
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