Projects with this topic
HydroNexa adalah sistem monitoring dan kontrol hidroponik otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler ESP32 yang terintegrasi dengan platform data InfluxDB. Sistem ini dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan tanaman dengan memantau dan mengendalikan parameter lingkungan seperti pH, konsentrasi nutrisi (TDS), dan pencahayaan. Data sensor dikumpulkan secara real-time dan dikirim ke InfluxDB untuk visualisasi dan analisis lebih lanjut. HydroNexa bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, produktivitas, dan kemudahan dalam budidaya tanaman hidroponik.
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An embedded web server that runs on the ESP32 platform.
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MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems
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Proyecto para regar de forma autónoma plantas utilizando un sensor de humedad para el suelo
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Einfache Projekte für den Calliope Mini.
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Programming framework for microcontrollers based on a V-like language. This is developed in Python using Lark module.
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Sokae is a Rust-like programming language for microcontrollers. Sokae is transpiled to the microcontrollers' native C.
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A MicroPython library for controlling reading and debouncing pushbutton inputs, including "short" and "long" press callbacks
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Convert text to morse code using this Raspberry Pi PICO script. The python program will ask for input to be converted to morse code. resulting in the output of morse code in the console as well as flashing the on board LED (pin25)
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A ESP8266 microcontroller project to control an AC-powered fan based on humidity readings using Ardiuno CLI.
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libMule - Microcontroller-universal Library (that is Extendable). This library allows you to write programs that will work on any supported microcontroller (Raspberry Pi, LEGO Mindstorms).
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Raspberry Pi Python 3 library for PCD8544 LCD (Nokia 5110)
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Implementation of reactive principle in C.
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A MicroPython library for controlling PWM outputs in an asyncio loop, with features including fading and blinking
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A MicroPython library for reading from a rotary encoder