Projects with this topic
This is a web application for online table reservation. It allows users to book tables at restaurants directly from the website. The system manages reservations, and provides a seamless user experience for both customers and restaurant owners.
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This project is a modernization of the previous zengo_test repository, utilizing a more modern tech stack. The frontend has been upgraded to use Vue 3 with Vuetify for the UI components and Pinia for state management. The backend has been refactored to use Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
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This project is a modernization of the previous weather_app repository, utilizing a more modern tech stack. The frontend has been upgraded to use Vue 3 with Vuetify for the UI components and Pinia for state management. The backend has been refactored to use Nest.js with MongoDB.
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This is a web application for online shopping built with the MERN stack. It allows users to browse products, add items to their cart, and securely complete purchases through integrated payment gateways like VNPAY and PayOS. The system manages user accounts, orders, and inventory, providing a seamless experience for both customers and store owners.
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Ecommerce de venta de alimentos balanceados para mascotas
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Este proyecto es un ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) desarrollado para la Constructora Vladimir Robinson Brand Endia E.I.R.L.. Creado en MERN con una app en Android en ReactNative.
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Web application to listen podcasts from your browser
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Einfache Anwendung zum Sammeln und Kategorisieren von Bildern, auf Basis einer Node.js REST API.
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Wonderful Morocco, a Booking web application when you can find and explore hotels, cabins and more and also with a good price and low fee of reservations, using Nextjs 14, tailwindcss, mongoDB and prisma
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This project is a malicious web page of an apple store website
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Anime series tracking site, using 'My Anime List' API to get information. Built with React, Node.js/Express with MongoDB database, utilizing REST architecture.
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api and admin dashboard server for mobile app e-com
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Wedding planner web app / API made with React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, TaiwindCSS
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Pre-Order and E-Commerce Platform for SME Business. Demo link:
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This service will provide an endpoint to upload videos and save them as file chunks in mongodb, the trough another endpoint you will get a video by id first from the mongo database and then the chunks will be sent to a kafka topic and from that topic the client will consume the chunks to show the video