Projects with this topic
Web Application E Learning Dharmagitha
Updated - Prezentace klubu Jazz Ungelt s administračním rozhraním na míru, spuštěna v roce 2011. Největší update od spuštění upravoval poněkud zastaralou fasádu pro responzivní zobrazování mobilních zařízeních. Implementuje funkce služby GoOut. Dodnes v provozu.
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Trait with scope function for Laravel applications
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A simple PDO wrapper with convenience methods for common SQL verbs like insert, update, delete, select
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Gestión de miembros: es un sistema que permite crear, leer, actualizar y eliminar usuarios. Es una herramienta útil para cualquier organización que necesite administrar a sus miembros, como un sitio web de membresía, una asociación o un club.
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Course 3 of 3: Advanced Java.
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Pequeña aplicación web que tiene como propósito el organizar y gestionar tareas pendientes.
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UTT: Final Project ― Gestión de Cursos Empresariales
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An open-source and feature-rich Computer-Aided Dispatch and Mobile Data Terminal system designed for the FiveM platform. With dedicated panels for civilians, law enforcement, fire/EMS, and dispatch, our system offers a comprehensive solution for role-playing communities.
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It is a Java application demonstration on how to use Spring family to create a back-end restful server. It uses spring framework 5 and springboot as a backbone. The technologies:
springboot spring framework 5 spring security spring jpa hibernate maven docker gitlab cicd script Kubernetes deployment script restful api mysql as a databaseUpdated -
Parallel mysqldump in Python
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Ejemplo ARLET con api rest en laravel como backend
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A library to store text-diffs in a database, using decatur-vote/text-diff for generating diffs.
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Configuração básica em docker para rodar uma aplicação laravel com redis, mysql e um supervisor para rodar no horizon.
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Project used for our Annual Project work as the back-end for our front-end (UI) project to handle HTTP request and communicate with tiers parts with web-socket or others methods.