Projects with this topic
Yati Book es un Proyecto dedicado al Desarrollo apropiado de Software constante que depende del Desarrollo de Tesis para la universidad ULADECH | Filial Piura y el Sistema de Biblioteca de Instituciones
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Setup wordpress though docker-compose with the latest version nginx, php, mysql and phpmyadmin
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My Computer Science degree's final project, developed as a software house project. Built with React and Django with MySQL database.
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Desarrollo de Proyecto de grado para la Escuela Tecnológica Instituto Técnico Central
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OLIVIA 20222 yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta merupakan ajang olimpiade yang memperlombakan berbagai cabang keahlian mahasiswa, salah satunya adalah Desain Web.
Repositori ini berisi hasil dari pekerjaan Kelompok MULTICREATIVE kelas praktikum Teknik Rekayasa Komputer Sekolah Vokasi IPB yang beranggotakan : (1.)KELVIN SAMUDRA [J0304201007], (2.)PUTUT WARINGIN JATI [J0304201074], (3.)MUHAMMAD ZAIDAN AZZUHRI [J0304201109], (4.)IRFAN HAFIDH ALFANSYAH [J0304202170].
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Sistema desarrollado como Servicio Comunitario para el Instituto de Ambiente Chacao, Caracas, Venezuela.
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Depot de la partie Back-end du projet AFPAR
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Scraper and better UI for, cause their web sux. Favourites, discount notifications and more.
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Open Source CMS (Content Management System) and build applications with Codeigniter and Bootstrap.
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Within the Linux management world there is a need to improve security and reliability across multiple Linux platforms. This is difficult to do because each distribution maintains their own codebase and update platforms. This difficulty is compounded by an inability to collaborate across distributions for stable patch levels that meet the needs of both security and reliability. If you adopt a fix too soon, you increase your risk that an update breaks your environments. If you patch too late, you risk being vulnerable to critical bugs which affect performance, stability, and security. The principle workaround Linux administrators employ to counter this problem is to limit and reduce the distributions and versions of Linux acceptable to an enterprise. Within a single Linux distribution’s version, we find a single update platform. When you add disparate versions and distributions you create a linear impact on staff and resources needed to maintain the additional load. This problem leaves administrators with two options:
• Use automatic updates, which leave the system vulnerable to bad upstream patches • Use manual updates, which creates a technical support requirement and discipline.
This project addresses this problem and outlines an innovative solution that works across several Linux distribution platforms and versions.
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Basic docker-compose config with custom PHP dockerfile.
Installed images : mysql, phpmyadmin:5.1.1-apache, maildev/maildev, php:7.2-apache (custom PHP Dockerfile)
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Français: Travail pratique sur une base de données concernant un département de ressources humaines en MySQL
English: Homework on a database concerning a human resources department in MySQL
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Français: Projet d'une bibliothèque musicale en HTML, CSS, PHP vanilla, Javascript et utilisant une base de données MySQL
English: Project of a music library in HTML, CSS, PHP vanilla, Javascript and using a MySQL database