Projects with this topic
Study of the connections between DNA expression of Covid patients and the development of Acute Encephalopathy. Project carried out by the Neurology Department of UC San Francisco in collaboration with the Data Science department of UC Berkeley (2022).
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Learning neural network
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Fine tunning of a deep neural network (using convolutionnal layers) to reconize a digit from a picture of an handwritten one.
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A simple binary classifier built with Keras that emulates logical XOR gate.
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This repository provides a number of examples that implement neural ODE controllers.
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This project provides several example implementations of spectrally adapted physics-informed neural networks (PINNs).
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Flappy Snake, A Game With Java That Binds Flappy Bird And 3310 Snake Game Together. Also, Machine Learning Please.
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This project provides several implementations that can be used to analyze Hessians associated with synthetic and empirical loss functions.
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project for module 33.Airflow in the course "Basic Data Science" at Skillbox.
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Učenje igre Zmija za jednu i više zmija s odabranim modelima učenja i algoritmima ponašanja.
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A neural network-based differential equation and variational problem solver
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Exercícios de programação da disciplina MAC0460 - Introdução ao Aprendizado de Máquina ministrada pela professora Nina Sumiko Tomita Hirata no Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo no primeiro semestre de 2021.
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Распознавание дорожных знаков при помощи камеры и YOLOv5, вывод их иконок на экранную форму.
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A 3rd year course project at Irkutsk State University. Used custom dataset from Yandex.Toloka to train. The dataset was provided by
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This is the first project donne for my deep learning class
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A DCGAN toolkit for training on Deviant Art search queries using TensorFlow.
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PassGAN implementation for the Cybersecurity Project at Saarland University. Added ability to learn based on dictionaries.