Projects with this topic
Documentation website on Karaoke Mugen Application's Websocket API. See
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A backoffice service for Datami
Documentation :
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The Official Site of your favourite four-armed skunktaur!
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Beginner alpha/beta codes for various platforms.
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This project is a simple online food shopping website designed to allow users to browse and purchase a variety of food items. The website includes features such as user authentication, a shopping cart, and order management. The goal of this project is to showcase my web development skills and enhance my resume.
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The Digital Waiting Room – the first stop for all COVID-19 patients. Live version at:
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Bookshelves projects to display epubs, deploy on
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This is a small project to handle Nuxt + Tailwind. The goal is to create a CV generator and to maintain a clean architecture.
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Proyecto de práctica con nuxt3, tailwindcss y CMS storeblok.
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Project Nuxt Adalah web mengunakan bahasa pemograman Vue js dan tailwind web ini adalah sebuah web toko bunga
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Site web pour l'entreprise L'Atelier & La Boussole. Réalisé sous Nuxt.
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Learning basic NuxtJS 3 from scratch.
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Cordaria é um aplicativo web com intuito de auxiliar a prática ao instrumento. Rode sem instalar -> <-
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This is exercise slicing website from figma to NuxtJS with tailwindcss