Projects with this topic
Source code for shyft.
Time-series for python and c++, including distributed storage and calculations Hydrologic Forecasting Toolbox, high-performance flexible stacks, including calibration Energy-market models and micro servicesUpdated -
An open-source optimization tool for interstitial photodynamic therapy planning to determine the number of light diffusers needed, their powers, and their positions.
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A Python interface to conic optimization solvers.
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Joe helps backend engineers and DBAs troubleshoot and optimize SQL, moving really quickly. Joe works on top of Database Lab
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Optimize parameters of a Modelica model with GenOpt
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Fast, non-iterative estimation of fitting parameters for common functions
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Tools to explore the Potential Energy Surface (PES) for atomic and molecular systems and generate candidate structures for the local and global minima.
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Goal: The Haskell Geometric OptimizAtion Libraries
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Unified interface for hyperparams / black box optimizers
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Trust region solver for small dense problems