Projects with this topic
Dépôt à disposition des participants pour la formation Urfist « Rédaction de papiers académiques avec markdown / pandoc » (Bordeaux, 2024).
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Modèle pour déployer une présentation rédigée en Markdown -> Reveal.js HTML avec GitLab pages.
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Pecas: conjunto de scripts pensados para agilizar o automatizar varios de los procesos del quehacer editorial.
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This is a mirror. Find the original repository at
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Antum is a game about exploration, ancient ruins, obscure magic, and rise and fall of empires. In it, you will take on the role of renaissance-people who are knowledgeable in a wide range of skills, and who have the opportunity to tackle the extraord
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Personal note-taking tools.
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Fanzines hechos por perro tuerto.
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The default hakyll template, deployed to gitlab pages.
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A simple shake template for producing pdf posters in markdown using pandoc.
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Repo for all my talks. Contains the source code of all my presentations and GitLab-Pages for the rendering.
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All the resources INC develops for its hybrid publishing practices.