Projects with this topic
This is a desktop application made with QT5 components and C++, we are looking to keep it offline, the goal is to make a box, for supermarkets, with management for invoices, products, etc.
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Gnu/Linux ve Windows için süre ayarlı bilgisayar kapatıcı. (Qt5)
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Docker images for building Qt 5.x and 6.x libraries for static and dynamically linkade on a variety of supported platforms. Made for OctoMY™ but probably useful for others!
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Logiciel permettant de consulter le dictionnaire de la langue française d'Émile Littré.
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A simple color chooser written in QML
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Epson printer utility unofficial port to Qt5
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The most customizable, free and open source stock take application ever.
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Gambas GUI template using Qt. Requires DockAnchor library 0.9 or later. Requires GambasAppUtilityLib library 0.4 or later. Requires GambasSomeModelLib 0.4 or later. Requires GambasGuiAppUtilityLib library 0.4 or later.
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A program to perform morphological characterization of nanoparticles in SEM micrographs.
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A LED layout mapper for Coolermaster Masterkey keyboards for use with libcmmk and OpenRGB.
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An multi-asset tracker and watchlist Application that keeps your asset data private.