Projects with this topic
This app lets you add items, set expiration dates, and get reminders. Great for businesses and home use!
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Novimatrem's bedtime reminder script, for the going to bed at the right times. - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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Talking clock script that speaks the time every hour. Requires espeak & paplay, libnotify-bin (notify-send), oh- and bash of course. - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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Das Gebu-Programm - ein Programm zur Anzeige von Geburtstagen. Handbuch:
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Novimatrem's walking reminder script, for the going on walks often. - Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0.
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A Flutter Application that takes and notifies the user of his/her Reminders.
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Um sistema distribuído, para lembrete sobre remédios e outros avisos médicos via SMS e App próprio. Com cadastro de pacientes, consultas, remédios a serem tomados e horários das doses.
Este é o repositório da interface web de gestão.
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Aplikasi Pengingat Jadwal Kuliah Berbasis Android Java SQlite
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Notes on "Things To Do After Installing X"