Projects with this topic
A free Van Buren game in Fallout 2 engine. Play as the Prisoner in the biggest Fallout game ever.
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Source of Mana is an early-stage 2D MMORPG developed using the Godot 4 engine, with a robust server architecture built to support seamless multiplayer experiences. The game features 2D pixel art graphics, bringing a retro aesthetic to life with modern tools and techniques. Immersive and carefully designed maps are built through the Tiled map editor, offering a scalable and flexible environment for map-making. The development is heavily focused on establishing a solid technical foundation, including advanced client-server synchronization, efficient asset management, and support for a wide range of devices. We welcome contributors of all types of skills and would especially welocome pixel artists and programmers (any language, we mainly use GDScript). Join us on Discord/IRC to discuss more and get involved.
Latest releases: https://manasource.itch.io/source-of-mana Discord: https://discord.gg/QQA4QXsz | IRC: #sourceofmana
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An online help tool to the table-top role playing game Knight. KnightOOLS stand for Knight Online Overall Life Saver.
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Robert E. Howard's Conan: Adventures In An Age Undreamed Of game system for the Foundry Virtual TableTop.
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A game of exploration, battle and adventure in medieval Wales. Experience DnD style combat, gambling disputes and puzzling mysteries in the magnificent city of Tranoch, with dynamic scenery, wildlife and weather effects.
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Random generator/mapper for worlds in a Traveller-like science fiction setting. Creates star systems with multiple stars, planets and moons. 3D maps of each world and moon is created.
See https://www.notasnark.net/worldgen/index for wiki pages.
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GRIN -- Game of Roleplay, Immersion & Narrative -- ролевая система, основанная на системах Мира Тьмы и Троице, посвящённая обитателям мира Ремнант и вдохновлённая таким анимационным произведением, как RWBY (в мире которого, собственно, всё и происходит).
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Create authentic looking D&D homebrews using only markdown.
Mirrored from https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery.git.
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SciFi dungeondraft assets for traders. Cargo containers, logos, goods and other things.
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Adventure Helper, a helper webapp for tabletop RPGs & adventure games.
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Règles optionnelles pour le jeu de rôle Chroniques Oubliées.
Résultat visible à cette adresse.
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A Discord bot for helping people manage, vote on, and keep track of the date and time of the next session for their DnD campaign.
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A spellbook app for Pathfinder
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Règles optionnelles pour le jeu de rôle Bitume MKV et l'édition spéciale 10ème anniversaire.
Résultat visible à cette adresse.
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We do D&D here too? Sweet! -- https://dnd.unnamed.group