Projects with this topic
Full set of AppArmor profiles (~ 1500 profiles)
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Use Code Quality to analyze your source code’s quality and complexity. This helps keep your project’s code simple, readable, and easier to maintain.
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DoLang is an experimental lean distro of the Go language for R&D orgs that do not want to risk their own patents using patent sensitive copy-right licensed Golang, Docker or Kubernetes.
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Cellar Documentation: | API Reference
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Scans selected files for patterns stated in rules. This is used in order to find secrets you may have accidentally written to a file. This scanner is used to show how the GitLab vulnerability report can be populated by a custom scanner. You can see a demo of it in action be following the documentation in the Secret List project.
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Native MacOS, Linux and Windows desktop application with 110+ carefully crafted tools for yours and your teams everyday work with sensitive data in various formats.
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This repository shows you how to inject secrets in your application from Hashicorp Vault in Kubernetes
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GitLab Runner is the open source project that is used to run your CI/CD jobs and send the results back to,[GroupsGitlab, MurtazaTemir7]
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Test Casbin authorization library
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Secret Source is a Golang module to load secrets from various sources in a uniform way.
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A simple Nginx OTP module for use with auth_request
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Search for go depedency trees for any direct or indirect import to view all paths that leverage it in your software dependency list/bill of materials. No more searching to find what imported an indirect dependency when that flags with a CVE.
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This project contains an insecure GoLang microservice. It is meant to be used with my Medium blog:
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Analyze password strength given physical limits to computation
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This repo contains samples and code used to demo Container and Kubernetes security.
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A tool for finding potential typosquattings of Go packages and modules hosted on GitHub and GitLab.