Projects with this topic
A CBIR and classification system that uses both representation learning and handcrafted features to build the image descriptors.
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This Car Prediction Project aims to predict v price, using Regression models. The project contains a collection of data files, model files, and Python scripts necessary for training and deploying car prediction Price models. This project encompasses a comprehensive set of data files, serialized models, and Python scripts necessary for training, evaluating, and deploying car price prediction models.
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Vamos a contruir un Chatbot Inteligente capaz de interpretar el lenguaje humano y generar respuestas coherentes con tu propia información
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Simple testing code to show abilities of sklearn
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My attempts to solve homework from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology course
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All left code from labs 1-3 years(university studing)
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Collection of completed data-mining (university course) on python
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Simple raw code templates that used for create real size plots for semiconductor labs (university course)
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Final project of course ML junior by Skillbox. Goal: Build model to predict client's loan default. Metrics: ROC-AUC
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Code and data for Natural Language Processing in Action, 2nd Edition, by Maria Dyshel and Hobson Lane for Manning Publications
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This is a test task for Longevity InTime AI powered company.
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Работа с базой данных PostgreSQL и длинными запросами
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Attempted to create a model that could determine the genre of a song based off of features from Spotify's data.
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School project. made a predicter for the next year app sales on google play.
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Machine Learning - Multiclass Classification
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This is a Collaborative-Based Movie Recommendation System developed using methods of weighted_average and Normalization(MinMaxScaling()) of Average Rating and Popularity values.
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This model is developed on the Dataset for predicting Prices of cars. I have used RandomForestRegressor() algorithms for creating the model, plus I have used RandomSearchCV() function to do the Hypertuning.
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This is a Content-Based Movie_Recommendation_Engine based on the IMDB Movies Dataset