Projects with this topic
2 class from csv (CatBoost & Naive Bayes)
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A CBIR and classification system that uses both representation learning and handcrafted features to build the image descriptors.
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Slang Identification via Machine Learning using sklearn.
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Slang Identification via Machine Learning using sklearn.
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Command Line Interface for developers of qary -- the open source, teachable AI assistant that truly assists, rather than manipulating you.
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This Car Prediction Project aims to predict v price, using Regression models. The project contains a collection of data files, model files, and Python scripts necessary for training and deploying car prediction Price models. This project encompasses a comprehensive set of data files, serialized models, and Python scripts necessary for training, evaluating, and deploying car price prediction models.
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Vamos a contruir un Chatbot Inteligente capaz de interpretar el lenguaje humano y generar respuestas coherentes con tu propia información
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My attempts to solve homework from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology course
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All left code from labs 1-3 years(university studing)
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Collection of completed data-mining (university course) on python
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Final project of course ML junior by Skillbox. Goal: Build model to predict client's loan default. Metrics: ROC-AUC
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This code repository contains an implementation for classifying malware using graph-based features and machine learning techniques. The code is designed to perform classification using both decision trees and support vector machines (SVMs). By toggling between Fc.fit_tree and Fc.fit_svm0 in the code (**), you can switch between using a decision tree classifier and an SVM classifier.
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Code and data for Natural Language Processing in Action, 2nd Edition, by Maria Dyshel and Hobson Lane for Manning Publications
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This is a test task for Longevity InTime AI powered company.
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Развертывание модели и запуск обучения по расписанию с использованием Airflow в Docker.
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Финальная работа по курсу Введение в DS от Skillbox. Цель: анализ данных сервиса СберАвтоподписка, предсказание совершения целевого действия пользователя и подготовка модели к деплою в продакшн. Метрика: ROC-AUC
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Relief algorithms implementation
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School project. made a predicter for the next year app sales on google play.
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project for module 33.Airflow in the course "Basic Data Science" at Skillbox.
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A.I chatbot (written with Python) that uses Natural Language Proccess to understand user's requests, improves and learn with ML and Nuerons Net. Web application (built with React and Flask) as an interface.