Projects with this topic
Lineage2TS is open-source MMO server platform focused on implementing fully featured Lineage 2 server in Typescript, supporting High Five client.
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Searchable database for saved shares from Nicotine+.
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Import a csv file to a sqlite DB, expose it with Symfony and present the data with React
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Deno SQLite adapter for Kysely query builder.
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A simple change management system for SQLite3 written in pure JavaScript/TypeScript.
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SQLite implementation of the Storage interface. A drop-in replacement for localStorage.
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Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets.
Mirroring from
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A bot for LM121 discord
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Kopia repozytorium projektu inżynierskiego - strony internetowej napisanej przy pomocy technologii .Net 5, Angular 13, HTML/CSS, TypeScript wykorzystującej EntityFramework.
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Wedding website built with Node, TypesScript, and SQLite for handling RSVP's. Project shelved after doing the setup since we decided we did not want to spend the time putting in all the content.
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A project built on ASP.NET Core 2 Web API, Angular 6, NodeJS, SQLite.
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A tool to back up all Slack history in an offline database.