Projects with this topic
LockChat: A Secure Chat Application Built with Python and OpenSSL
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Extremely simple script to test a URL's SSL Cert validity using "requests"
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SRPM для OpenSSL.
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With docker, Traefik, and SSL
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Simple client-server C software to exemplify usage of SSL
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Utilities for creation of SSL/TLS security contexts for servers and clients
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Easy deploy HAProxy with Letsencrypt in Docker.
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Default traefik configuration with SSL (Let's Encrypt) for docker compose file
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Make sure your domains are using HTTPS certificates that you own
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MySB (MySeedBox) is more than a simplified installation script of a multi-users Seedbox. There are many solutions to install a Seedbox, but we never talk about safety and regular operations. MySB could be renamed MySSB (MySecuredSeedBox).
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API para la auto-gestión certificados 'self-signed', firmados por una CA privada distribuida dentro de una organización basada en el protocolo ACME.
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Convenient, configurable container for creating and updating Let's encrypt certificates and redirecting to named targets.
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CLI to update the SSL certificates on a server
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My internal certificate authority configuration and associated scripts.
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Micro Linux, which you can chroot into your old distribution to resurrect the SSL/TLS connectivity.
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checkssl is a simple ssl certificate expiration checker.
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The script for creating your self-signed SSL certificates which signed your Certificate Authority (CA).