Projects with this topic
A forecast application using OpenWeatherMap API
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Displays sunrise and sunset times for the day on an 8-digit ws2812b led display
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SOLARSCAN* ( SOLAR SCAN ) is a software for processing the video acquisition of the sun made with the instrument Sol'Ex.
Reading of the video sequence, construction of a raw solar disk, geometric correction of the solar disk
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Comparison of Sun image generated by INTI (Sol'Ex project) with SDO images
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This website is an encyclopaedia of the solar system. Initiated by the engineering school ISEN Lille, the project was developed by Gaël GRZELAK and Vincent FOULON. Now an Open Source project, you can download it for free or help us by contributing !
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A script that downloads data from NOAA and ACE reports which can give you a heads up if there will be aurora. You can also run the script in a forecast mode and only give you output if there is a chance to spot aurora.