Projects with this topic
You can do anything
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Java + Spring Boot + H2 Database + Actuator + Jasper Reports + Swagger
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Java + Spring Framework + H2 Database + HikariCP + JWT + Jasper Reports + Swagger + Test Unitarios (Spock/Mock Framework)
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Ledger posting micro service application with Java, Springboot and Kafka.
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Study project to learn something new
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Backend to generate and manage short urls
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Advanced API server (Open Architecture, DI, GORM..)
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Python async web framework with autocolleting apps
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An http implementation of the FizzBuzz game
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Api NodeJS + servidor Socket IO
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Example application for play-cnz
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A very simple, fast, and easy to configure File-Server written in C# ASP.NET 5 and powered by Kestrel. Easy running in a container
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Cover the needs of a company that wants to create/edit a job at a job board. The user should be able to sign-up/login, create a company profile and a job ad
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Testing a java spring boot API rest with maven Using: Java, Maven, Spring Boot, Swagger
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Cache + Swagger API with SwaggerUI web interface for Steem based blockchain nodes
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Ravimoshark Piece API implementation in NodeJS with Typescript.
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A nodejs API Gateway based on Swagger 2.0, OpenAPI 3.0 API definition configuration.
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Ravimoshark Task API implementation in NodeJS with Typescript.