Projects with this topic
This project is a simple online food shopping website designed to allow users to browse and purchase a variety of food items. The website includes features such as user authentication, a shopping cart, and order management. The goal of this project is to showcase my web development skills and enhance my resume.
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This project contains applied knowledge of what I have learned. For example:
Build a module and build tests for it. Make use of new css framework Tailwind Make use of code linters Build an autodeploy script Build hooks for gitUpdated -
Приложение для поиска информации IP-адресов, используя vue 3 и composition API, Tailwind css и leaflet.js.
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A template for an opinionated Vue CLI (w/ Vue 3 + TypeScript + TailwindCSS) setup.
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CALCULADORA hecha con vue sacada del tutorial en el video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgO6RQ0KtuU Como hacer una CALCULADORA con VUE JS, Super sencilla, además usa Tailwind para inyectar los CSS de una forma más sencilla y elegante.
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El objetivo de este proyecto es hacer un buscador de GIFs responsivo que busque GIFs de perritos. Estará desarrollado con Vue y Typescript.
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To-do list with advanced features. Getting a weather forecast from a list of cities with REST API. Getting the exchange rate with REST API.Updated
To have Nuxt with Tailwind JIT without problems
Archived 0Updated -
(JavaScript Base) SSR NuxtJS & Tailwind CSS v2 boilerplate application for development, staging and production
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A test project to help me learn the ins and outs of Vue Apollo: https://nfriend.gitlab.io/learning-vue-apollo/
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A project that fetch from mathdro's APIs and create fancy graphics to show that's going on with Covid-19. Built with Tailwind, Vuejs and some
☕ ️ - Demo https://ludo237.gitlab.io/covid-stats/Archived 0Updated -
A website for the "Cursinho Popular da Poli-USP"
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InterHack's official website: https://interhack.xyz
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A Neutomat's NES plugin that predicts the chance of recovery of brachial plexus lesion