Projects with this topic
Web outside of Browsers (core, site modules and applications)
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Collects weather information from various available ReST API services and stores the information in a database.
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A forecast application using OpenWeatherMap API
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Captures, stores, and displays data from an AcuRite Iris/Atlas weather station and towers via an Access/smartHUB. Uploads data to Weather Underground, CWOP, Weathercloud, PWS Weather, Windy, Windguru, and OpenWeatherMap.
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Weather display program targeted for Raspberry Pi with 7 inch touchscreen
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This project is to manage and develop the weather forecasts on which are done using RASP
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Componente con datos para estación meteorológica en tiempo real de la ciudad de Chipiona que muestra un resumen del tiempo en cada momento: Temperatura, humedad, tvoc, uv, uva, uvb, viento, rayos
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A weather applet for Linux Mint OS in bash. Detects the Desktop Environment (Cinnamon or Xfce), and shows the weather in the panel. Also shows tooltip with meteorological info on hover. Finally shows 3 day weather forecast on click.
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Android weather app with data from | Moved to
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Show the weather in your terminal without relying on proprietary services.
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Test build and runtime environments using docker for XyGrib on different Linux distributions.
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Instructions to build a weather station with indoor and outdoor measurements as well as online forecasts. Hardware is based on Raspberry Pi and ESP32.
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Here you can find the all the hardware and software for both the legacy, current and development versions of the ESP32 Weathercloud Weather Station, which you can find here:
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A weather app which use API to display current day weather data and for a week. Built with NuxtJS and available in PWA. Deploy on
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It's a weather app help you to get the temperature in your location or in any another location by its city name using OpenWeatherMap API.
I developed it with flutter; so, it provides two versions one for IOS and another one for android.
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Itsbullet is a conky weather theme based on Harmattan and that uses the OpenWeatherMap service.