v0.2.9079ef0d8 · ·
- refactor: :recycle: Parametrize event log file - feat: :sparkles: Transfer notification more visible - fix: :bug: Bug fixed, error getting puppet destination when it was a menu - feat: :sparkles: New endpoint to reconnect a whatsapp mautrix bridge - refactor: :alien: Updated the incoming call message - fix: :bug: Fixed the error trying to update a Whatsapp Cloud application - bug: :bug: Fix error when creating new queue with invitees list - feat: :sparkles: Add the option to send templates to WhatsApp cloud - fix: :bug: Fixed error in process distribution when agents are unavailable - fix(commands): :bug: Fixed error in send_bic_message response - fix: :bug: Fixed bug when trying to transfer chat to user without membership - feat: :sparkles: Propagation of the read receipts of the agents - feat(events): :sparkles: Added buffer to events - fix(portal): :bug: Fixed set portal creator - refactor: :recycle: Removed code for menubot V1
v0.2.8.1420b9a50 · ·
- 🐛 Fixed bug sending membership events - ✨ Publish acd events in nats jetstream - 🐛 Bug fix error getting creator identifier
v0.2.870ea54fb · ·
- feat(events): :sparkles: Add ACD events (PORTAL, MEBER, MEMBERSHIP) - feat: :sparkles: Added access control list to add and remove users from rooms - feat(cmd): :sparkles: Added BIC endpoint to start conversations by business with different destinations - feat(agent_manager): :sparkles: Allowed use invite in process distribution - feat(command_handler): :sparkles: Improved command handler - feat(command_handler): :sparkles: Improved command argument processor - fix(puppet): :bug: Fixed puppet creation process - feat(transfer): :sparkles: Added parameter enqueue chats in transfer command - test(puppet): :test_tube: Added test to puppet class - feat(transfer): :sparkles: Created a new transfer endpoint that returns an error if there is no agent in the room - fix(queue): :bug: Fixed ghost queues - chore(config): :sparkles: Correctly initialize the meta portals
v0.2.7.55c844667 · ·
- Remove menubot invitation on resolve, pm, transfer - Set properly admin power level when join to portal room
v0.2.7.453169615 · ·
- Error verifying puppet in portal: puppet left portal no matter if it was the puppet in room
v0.2.7.288f9db1e · ·
- Fixed portal initialization in send message endpoint - Added parameter process_destination_on_joining
v0.2.7.11330336e · ·
- Added adjustments to allow menu invitations in guest rooms - Do not process destination from a chat initialized with send message endpoint until the customer answers
v0.2.7fa3a7653 · ·
- Improve provisioning API documentation. - Added support for menu as destination in puppet. - Improve enqueued portals process. A portal state is used instead of a table to store enqueued portals. - User is informed when their assign agent is not available. - Added HTTP responses to ACD in transfer endpoints. - Added 2FA support to Instagram and Facebook login. - Refactoring the RoomManager class to handle portals.
v0.2.6.258ec8e39 · ·
- Added `no_voice_call` configuration parameter to config.py, to keep the changes in this parameter.
v0.2.6c3666436 · ·
- Rename methods to obtain serialized memberships - Modified members endpoint to return the status of all agents - Added new queue action that adds previously created rooms - Added method to obtain the room theme - Added support for connecting to the Facebook bridge - Added examples in the login and challenge documentation - Changed queue command execution permission - Respond to an error when the command fails - Added new update_members endpoint - Added displayname in the user membership response - Refactoring for the use of portal and queue in some parts of the code - Fixed errors when the agent leaves the queue - Fixed when the room is created and menubot is not invited - Fixed errors when guests are an empty string - Fixed errors in the portal database query - Fixed errors in the queue membership list - Fixed errors in the queue command - Fixed errors in the information and queue list endpoints
v0.2.5f56e9c99 · ·
Now using the `!acd version` command, it shows you the service tag + extra commits. It updates the version from `alpine:3.15` -> `alpine:3.17`. Bugfix in state_event command. Refactoring to the command processor. Added commands and endpoints to use queues. Added timezone to `creation_date`, `state_date`, `pause_date` fields in `queue_membership` table.