Projects with this topic
A Flutter app for visualizing 3D molecular structures from CIF files in the PDB database.
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My raycasting pseudo 3D engine that I started in 1997, but fully open sourced only in 2025
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The node providing a client side Web application animating a 3D rendered game board based on the game progress events.
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An LD47 submission:
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WebGL experimentation with regl
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A simple Pure CSS 3D game experiment.
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Unity 3D videogame developed in a team for the Gamejam+ Spain 2024 in 48 hours (19-20 October 2024) URL-
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Generate a variety of 3D files for testing file formats, compression, etc.
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The GigaMesh Software Framework is a modular software for display, editing and visualization of 3D-data typically acquired with structured light scanning (SLS) or structure from motion (SfM).
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Realtime 3d flight tracker written in React and three.js