Projects with this topic
This is the repository for HTML files of the DNA group website.
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Practice Codes at Payilagam
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Libro web sobre cómo hacer un sitio web con HTML desde cero.
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This project was given as assignment. I found this design from 'ProgrammingHero1' repository.
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Unofficial alternative version of website
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A responsive pricing card that displays three subscription plans (Basic, Standard, Premium) for an icon set service. The card features dynamic content updates, a tabbed interface, and an "Add to Cart" button with a confirmation message. Built with HTML, CSS (SASS), and JavaScript.
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A simple, responsive contact form built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the FrontendPro challenge. This form includes client-side validation, error handling, and a modern design with a gradient background and smooth UI elements.
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This is project for My Hero Academia Season 7 9anime
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Generator for ancient names (Ist century BC)
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Projet de fin de semestre réalisé dans le cadre du cours de M2 IM Techniques Web du master pluriTAL à l'INALCO. Ce projet consiste en la création d'un site internet exploitant différentes techniques du web (FastAPI, HTML, CSS, JS, Jquery, Ajax) pour la traduction automatique et la détection de langues. Les modèles permettant la détection de la langue ont été entraîné en local sur machine ultérieurement dans un cours du M1 pluriTAL. Pour la traduction automatique, c'est le package python deep-translators qui a été utilisé.
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Collection of simple client-side apps, each made with hand-written pure JavaScript and HTML
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A calendar that shows you how long you have left to live, week by week, in a single HTML file that can be run in your browser/any HTML reader (Joplin for instance).
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Mission generator for Shadowrun Anarchy rpg through the Controlled Anarchy system
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Dungeons & Dragons 5e hack for playing in Dragon Age awesome universe.
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Module Test 1 Assignment
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