Projects with this topic
Email Validator web service validates email addresses:
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This sub-project, that is a workgroup within SYLVA project, is intended to define the list of CNFs and derived stacks to be validated (meaning demonstrating they can work on top of SYLVA stack), build scripts to run test in order to validate use of SYLVA capabilities by CNFs, setup the validation platform(s), run the required tests to validate CNFs and derived stacks and keep a registry of validations performed.
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Parse and generate random CPF and CNPJ, Brazil's ID numbers, using Rust.
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A simple payload validation middleware for Strata.js
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A Java API for national and international phone numbers. The code is part of the blog article Das Mimikri Muster.
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Coffee(Java) with sugar is sweeter.
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A simple, responsive contact form built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the FrontendPro challenge. This form includes client-side validation, error handling, and a modern design with a gradient background and smooth UI elements.
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SeeSat's EPS experiment with environment monitoring for the 2025 OTC-P1 flight opportunity
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A Java Bean Validation library, to validate IBAN and BIC values.
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gdal-until-example scripts docker build to implement for easy COG validation
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Automatically generate/renew Let's Encrypt certificates with Certbot on NameSilo DNS
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Parameter validation module for Python methods
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A typescript validation library. See demo.
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A Java library that performs bean validation similar to javax.validation, but rather than validating at runtime, the annotations used here are evaluated at compile time.