C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language.
Projects with this topic
A simple library for quick prototyping with C.
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The Algorithm Collection contains several examples of well known algorithms implemented in C programming language.
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A collection of C functions targetting common needs in the development of programs in C language,
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This is a collection of all C code examples taken from book: Brian K. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie - "The C programming languages, second edition" - Prentice-Hall Inc. - 1989.
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A Software Define VLF Receiver using a sound card.
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Aplicación, principalmente orientado a terminal/consola, la cual ayuda con la ejecución e integración con el sistema de scripts desarrollados con Python. Compatible con Windows.
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Official Code Repository for BansheeOS
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Breadth First Search and Depth First Search in a 2D maze.
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The "corelib" projects is an Open Source "C" library, aimed to help developers to built cross-platform applications.
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O.O.C / Object Oriented Emulation Extension to the "CoreLib" library.
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TicTacToe Sebuah permainan singkat dimana pemain harus dapat mencetak urutan 3 karakter. Pada game ini, pemain tidak akan pernah dapat mengalahkan MIRA.
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A fast, cross-platform and versatile Game Engine.
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Known issue: Bella voicebank did not spell word correctly
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Known Issue : Framerate doubled into 60fps, yet double the speed
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