Projects with this topic
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Raster fonts creating, editing, preview and generating C code to include into embedded software project
Создание и редактирование растровых шрифтов, предпросмотр образцов текста, генерирование кода C
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Bitcoin Value Tracker with OLED Display
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TouchGFX demo using a NUCLEO-F446RE board and a 128x64 pixel monochrome OLED with an SH1106 driver over SPI.
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Collection of simple interfaces for Digilent Pmods
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Code for G-Meter device used for sport aviation. An AVR - C project targeting ATMEGA8 uC. Features:
Accelerometer MXR2312EL Monochr.display, 128 x 64 OLED 1306 module handling, SPI LED strip "needle", SPI Thermometer, I2C Bearing, I2CUpdated