Projects with this topic
Simple esp32 code written in micropython to controll motors in toy-tank printed in 3D printer and gets controll data from raspberry pi 4
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Collection of utility modules written in Verilog
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Command line Linux PWM tool for buzzers
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Arduino library providing unified interface for using PWM on all digital pins of Arduino UNO (pins from 0 to 13). PWM on pins not supporting it in hardware is software emulated.
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Did you changed regular bulbs by LED, but they shine bit too much? This is the solution! Reduce output power through energy efficient PWM driver!
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An IoT product based on FreeRTOS, using CoAP for communication, changing a LED band's colors at 60Hz based on audio frequency and amplitude, captured using a microphone (at 44.1 kHz).
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MicroPython Audio Jammer
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Drive L298 dual H-bridge with MicroPython
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Implementation/Simulation of Analog Modulation Techniques in Python
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A MicroPython library for controlling PWM outputs in an asyncio loop, with features including fading and blinking