Projects with this topic
🆖 An AngularJS Starter repo for AngularJS + ES6 + Webpack by @angularclass a @OneSpeed-io company -
A Panini is a grilled sandwich.
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AWE front-end with AngularJS and Redux
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Realizar una aplicación que muestre por pantalla, mediante directivas de Angular, la siguiente imagen. Debemos ser capaces de filtrar estos datos mediante el input superior. Aparte, los datos serán guardados en un array de objetos JSON óptimo para dicha funcionalidad.
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A tour of heroes App with Angular JS
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Spring and AngularJS based reference architecture for small-and-mid-sized web applications using CI and CD
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SAP Developers Tutorial: Create a Web Front End with Angular.JS in Web IDE
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Technical exercise. Front end implemented with AngulaJS.
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Digitized Attendance System (DAS) - An upgradation of the previously used ordinary human resource based attendance management. Project for IEEEhackathon held at Delhi.
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This set of native AngularJS directives allows for easy creation of a miller columns navigation interface.
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Projet d'Architecture d'Entreprise 2019. Simple application permettant de gérer ces tâches. Découverte du framework Spring Boot, JUnit ainsi qu'Hibernate et Spring Security.
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This is the FixxIT AngularJs front-end challenge seed project, welcome! Within you will find a front-end coding challenge that might separate you from the rest!
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Projet d'Application Web et Mobile. Découverte de Node.JS et d'Angular.JS. Petite application servant à créer des todos lists et permettant de les partager avec d'autres utilisateurs.
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Projeto desenvolvido no curso de AngularJS, realizado por Rodrigo Branas
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An AngularJS (5.2.9) application powered by a rails backend