Projects with this topic
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Bevy plugin to manage 2D texture in different view angles
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We are a group of students creating a video game in Rust with the Bevy game engine! Our game is a platformer called "Virtual Epic" !
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A Flappy-Bird-inspired game in space built with Bevy
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Simulate and explore a history of a town
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A cruddy rust+bevy client for quake style games.
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This serves as a template for creating games under the organization.
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A practice, tutorial-based, project to learn more about Rust & Bevy (game engine)
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Puzzle dungeon game created for Bevy Jam
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Conway's Game of Life implemented in Rust to try out Bevy Game Engine.
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The Sokoban game implemented in Rust using Bevy and egui
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Various simple/example games written in rust.