Projects with this topic
Bootstrap 5 Based theme for @chez14's projects.
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The Tanatos Project is a practice exercise designed to improve web development skills. This static webpage project, to deliver an engaging and visually appealing experience.
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The Hugo theme for Infinite Script. Migrated from a WordPress theme named Logger ( Rebuilt with Bootstrap 5.
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"Madame est vernis" est un projet e-commerce développé dans le cadre de la validation de notre troisième année en développement informatique.
Ce site a pour objectif de proposer à la vente des produits d'onglerie (vernis, kits de manucure, soins des ongles) ainsi que des prestations en salon (manucures, nail art, ...).
Le projet repose sur la création d'une plateforme intuitive et réactive, permettant une expérience utilisateur fluide et simplifiée, tant pour l'achat de produits que pour la réservation de services.
Membres du projet : NICOLAS Marie et CHANG Toma
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This is the front-end of my personal website built with Angular 13. It integrates Bootstrap, Angular Material, Prime Ng for styling. For complete tour, please visit .
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A simple HTML JavaScript and Bootstrap 5 site that returns a BibTeX for a given '' URL
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English: The project aims to create a web page with CRUD functionalities, dynamically, using Bootstrap 5, PHP, CSS, Jquery, Javascript and Mysql.
Pt-BR: O projeto tem como objetivo criar uma página web com as funcionalidades CRUD, de forma dinâmica, utilizando Bootstrap 5, PHP, CSS, Jquery, Javascript e Mysql.
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Eine einfache, responsive Webseite, die als eigene Startseite im Browser festgelegt werden kann. Diese Seite bietet die Möglichkeit, Hyperlinks, Aufgaben und die Berechnung der Arbeitszeit anzuzeigen. Die Daten wie Aufgaben oder die Arbeitszeit von dem aktuellen Tag werden im Browser-LocalStorage gespeichert, sodass keine Server- oder Datenbankverbindung erforderlich ist.
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Carrito de Venta con php y javascrip
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Ejercicios del tema Simulacion de la materia de Investigacion Operativa 2
la loteria alquiller de videos parada de autobusesUpdated -
This project was created as a university laboratory project. It provides users with information on fractals, color schemas, and affine transformations.
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Nodejs React Frontend Web Integrated with backend in
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A futuristic bootstrap theme for use in RFI related properties.
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Updated Rails Template for new projects working with esbuild. Compatible with: ruby 3.1.2, Rails, node v16.16.0 Gems included: devise, simple_form, ,sitemap_generator, rollbar, skylight Features added: bootstrap, fontawesome, sitemap, simple navbar and footer Pre-Conditions: VS / RVM / NVM / RAILS / RUBY / PG / NODE / YARN already installed correctly with correct versions
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Simple password manager created with Django and Bootstrap. First Django project.
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Trabajo final de 4 integrantes de Desarrollador Web Inicial con Argentina Programa. Esto contiene HTML, CSS y JS