Projects with this topic
Bahn-Vorhersage - The best Train Delay Prediction System.
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Outflow is a framework that helps you create and execute sequential, parallel as well as distributed task workflows.
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Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again.
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English: The project collects API data on traffic, users, holidays and weather, processes it and indexes it in ElasticSearch. It also performs geoqueries to update existing documents with climate data and other information. The project features a docker-compose to upload scripts as services to be run on a server.
Pt-BR: O projeto realiza coleta de dados de API de trânsito, usuários, feriados e clima, realiza o processamento dos mesmos e os indexa no ElasticSearch. Também realiza geoqueries para atualizar os documentos existentes com dados climáticos e outras informações. O projeto apresenta um docker-compose para subir os scripts como serviços a serem executados em um servidor.
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Deployment URL:
Mirrored to
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Data: Inception to Publication & Beyond
This is a resource for all questions related to data sharing, collaboration, management, and publication.
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This repository holds code for the AskAnna Backend. Our backend stack primarily uses Django and the Django REST Framework.
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✭ MAGNETRON ™ ✭: Detectron2 is a platform for PROXIA that can do POSE ESTIMATION, object detection, segmentation and other visual recognition tasks.
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Análisis de publicaciones, grupos, páginas de Facebook para caracterizar mensajes anti-vacunación que buscan ralentizar o limitar el avance de la campaña de vacunación contra el COVID19 en México.
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Análisis de imágenes históricas en campañas, medios y comunicación oficial relacionada con la concientización y difusión de hitos sobre el cambio climático en los últimos 20 años, tanto en contenido como en viralidad y reacciones.
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Análisis de imágenes relacionadas con patrones textiles con diseños de pueblos originarios con la finalidad de identificar su uso desleal o no autorizado por parte de retailers de fast y high fashion, y la subsecuente comunicación de este match y su
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k8s documentation for CDAS
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The project deals with the classification of more than 100+ flowers the project is a cv capstone project.
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An example of a simple data science continuous delivery pipeline from