Projects with this topic
Dockerized simple Nginx app, Gitlab CI pipeline push changes into CodeCommit repo, complete CI/CD is realised by AWS CodePipeline service: code source stored in CodeCommit, build realised by CodeDeploy and use ECR and S3 services, deployment is realised by CodeDeploy service and uses ECS service. SNS service is used for sending email notifications about CodePipeline status.
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An example project that demonstrates local development, CI/CD and production setup for a full stack web app using Django, Django REST Framework, Django Channels, Postgres, VueJS, Redis, Celery, GitLab CI and AWS technologies deployed with CDK.
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Create a complete ECS cluster on AWS
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This module creates an ECS Cluster with Capacity Provider of EC2 instances.
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Deploy a django and a react app on AWS using the ECS service
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POC for running Wordpress on Docker + ECS in 2020
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Spotgoedkope docker jonguh!
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Create AWX ECS services with CloudFormation
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Create Mailcatcher ECS services with CloudFormation.
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A silly physics playground I made to learn the libGDX and Artemis-odb frameworks.