Projects with this topic
This small project emphases on the infrastructure module of hexagonal architecture. It shows how you can connect different datasource to your app while keeping the domain isolated
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Kotlin + Ktor + Flyway + H2 / PostgreSQL + Exposed (ORM)+ Gradle + JWT / Basic Auth / OAuth2
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Java + Micronaut + Flyway + H2 + MyBatis (persistence framework) + Jetty + Gradle + Spock
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The initial task of practical work on the course "DevOps for operation and development" Смотреть ветки
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Java + Vert.x + Flyway + Gradle + SQLClient + H2
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The initial task of practical work on the course "DevOps for operation and development" Смотреть ветки
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Training project with Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA and QueryDSL
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Good example of Three-Tier Architecture. MVC: @RestController, @Validated, @PathVariable, @RequestBody, ResponseEntity Service: leveraging Inheritance (abstract class CrudServiceImpl), importing XSSFWorkbook for xlsx reports Dao: @Repository, @Version, @MappedSuperclass, Dto converters
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Good example of Three-Tier Architecture with Spring Security, emailing and simple multithreading. MVC: @RestController, @Validated, @RequestParam, @RequestBody, ResponseEntity Service: Leveraging Inheritance (abstract class CrudServiceImpl). Spring SimpleMailMessage for sending emails. Dao: @Repository, @Version, @MappedSuperclass, Dto converters
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Spring and AngularJS based reference architecture for small-and-mid-sized web applications using CI and CD
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Ethereum ERC-20 account manager based on Spring Boot, Web3J, Hibernate/JPA + PostgreSQL, Freemarker + Bootstrap, Lombok, Flyway