Projects with this topic
This project is a simple online food shopping website designed to allow users to browse and purchase a variety of food items. The website includes features such as user authentication, a shopping cart, and order management. The goal of this project is to showcase my web development skills and enhance my resume.
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This platform leverages Django's robust framework to handle recipe management, allowing users to create, store, and share recipes. The platform uses Django's templating engine to dynamically generate HTML pages from backend data, ensuring that each user's interaction is rendered with the relevant recipes, ingredients, and steps.
Each HTML page is customized using Django's built-in template inheritance feature, where a base layout is defined and reused across different pages. The use of template tags allows for powerful conditional rendering and loops, ensuring a seamless integration of recipes, ingredients, and step-by-step instructions directly from the database to the front-end.
In addition to Django's powerful rendering system, custom CSS was designed to give the platform a unique and modern user interface. The platform incorporates a dynamic star rating system, allowing users to visually see each recipe’s rating. By leveraging Django’s templating engine and custom CSS, the platform adjusts the width of a star-filled container based on the recipe's rating, ensuring a smooth and visually appealing rating display. Furthermore, while users can browse and view all recipes created by others, the platform enforces permissions such that only the author of a recipe can edit it. Recipes are linked to the user who created them through Django’s built-in user authentication and foreign key relationships. This ensures that users have full control over their own content, while maintaining the integrity and security of other users' contributions.
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JCU Menza menu site scraper. List menus like a human.
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A recipe manager for cooking robots (compatible with thermomix)
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Provides interfaces to fetch data via REST API and save specific food configurations
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Craft beer and smoked meats from the Busey family. Nederland, CO.
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Come to find out the seasonal fruits and vegetables month by month with a lot of yummy recipes!
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An example project in Ember Octane using ember-sortable wrapped with additional A11y features.
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Food Of the Day is a native application developed in React Native for a French company in Montpellier.
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A project in collaboration with Ministry of Education (MOE) to further help students understand the importance of food.