Projects with this topic
A collection of low-level utilities for use with plain LuaTeX
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Extension chrome d'audit RGAA basé sur un découpage de la page par composants. Intègre la gestion d'audit RGAA, l'intégration de helpers dans la page auditée et des vérifications automatiques.
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Translated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) conformant, accessible yet invisible skip links.
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Planning hub for efforts around accessibility (a11y) in Fedora Linux and Fedora websites & apps.
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Docker for Asqatasun (Dockerfile + docker-compose.yml)
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Styles CSS à intégrer dans l'extension de navigateur Stylus. Ce dépôt liste uniquement des outils à l'audit RGAA pour mettre en évidence des balisages ou paramétrages spécifiques à certains tests de critères.
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An introduction to web accessibility with examples
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Wi-Fi print with readable (and accessible) password
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Prototype of a game for screen readers that retraces the life of Australian astronomer Ruby Payne-Scott, a pioneer in radio astronomy. Text by luvan.
The project has no name yet, Orca is the name of the Linux system screen reader used to build the game prototype.
Follow link to see project online:
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This repository was created to learn about Web Accessibility purpose. Learning from Accessibility V2 course by Jon Kuperman who works for Cloudflare
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Accessible dynamic search results using fuzzy search
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Material design styles for Plutonium Framework
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Simple screen reader for mobile and PC Linux systems.
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An example project in Ember Octane using ember-sortable wrapped with additional A11y features.
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The purpose of this repository is to share what I've learned about creating accessible React components. It is not currently open source, but might be at some point in the future.
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SALTS, the Senior-Assistive Linux Tool Suite. General purpose utility built for my grandmother. Repository exists primarily for convenience to update.
Copyright (c) 2019 JS Dreim
Free Software under GPLv3
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An userscript to test for assessibility problems.