JavaScript (JS) is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled and multi-paradigm programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification.
Projects with this topic
The Pascal to Javascript transpiler of the FPC projects.
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CORE Implementation of the Cyberpunk RED RPG system for FoundryVTT
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The DOM Standard (read-only mirror).
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A javascript client for Kubernetes, built for use on the GitLab frontend.
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This is part of the SDP and is the GUI for providing visualizations in regard to Signal Display Metrics
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This repository contains the solutions and projects completed for CS50: Introduction to Computer Science, offered by Harvard University. The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles of computer science and programming.
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The node providing a client side Web application animating a 3D rendered game board based on the game progress events.
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Small wind turbine data analysis tool!
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Skeleton project to get up and running in React alongside the SKAO guidelines and best practices including testing, linting, CI/CD pipelines, universal directory layout etc
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The SalesStream dashboards is an application for monitoring and analyzing revenue data in real time. By leveraging the power of Apache Spark and Apache Kafka, this system ensures that financial data is processed efficiently and in a timely manner, providing companies with up-to-date insights into their revenue streams.
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Main entry point for the SKAO application suite. Uses Micro Frontends to access other applications
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Lecto is not a lecteur!
Lecto is a frontend for MPD based on Node-Webkit. It can browse collection, add to playlist, control playback, burn to CD, get artist biography from Wikipedia, make your playlist dynamic fetching suggestions from LastFM.