JavaScript (JS) is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled and multi-paradigm programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification.
Projects with this topic
Last Update: 31/05/2023. Este proyecto es un portafolio personal en React. Incluye páginas de inicio, proyectos, habilidades y contacto, con temas oscuro y claro. Permite cambiar el idioma entre inglés y español, y descargar el CV en ambos idiomas.
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This project serves as the authentication service for Portfolio.
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1er proyecto de programacion sobre un juego de plataformas simple.
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Last update: 17/02/2023. En este proyecto decidí realizar un e-commerce sobre productos de cosmética desarrollado con la libreria de React JS. En cuanto al estilado de la página lo realicé completamente con CSS puro.
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safety training material with building information model powered by bimU Viewer
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A fast and compact JavaScript library to add zoomable images on a web page.
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A simple WebSocket consumer for a GraphQL demonstration using Apollo Server and subscriptions.
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Node Calculator is a web-based tool for basic arithmetic, built with Node.js and Express.js. Featuring a responsive UI with HTML and CSS, it offers reliable performance and easy deployment via Docker.
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Public website for Personal website.
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Web para finca cafetera que integra un identificador de plagas de café (Araña roja, broca de café y cochinilla algodonosa)
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App-Event is a SaaS-like event planing platform that allows you to create events, invite people to them and export datas about them.
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A simple student management system (SSMS) designed for a single school, single branch and also single admin. Simple installation, simple maintenance and simple to do all the things attached to it.
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Following along with freeCodeCamp's "Front End Development Libraries" React.js lesson.