Projects with this topic
Spring template for a REST service designed with Hexagonal architecture
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WebSocket proxy that allows clients to produce and consume messages from topics in Apache Kafka. Documentation can be found at https://kpmeen.gitlab.io/kafka-websocket-proxy/
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This service will provide an endpoint to upload videos and save them as file chunks in mongodb, the trough another endpoint you will get a video by id first from the mongo database and then the chunks will be sent to a kafka topic and from that topic the client will consume the chunks to show the video
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This project adds examples of how to setup gitlabCI/CD pipelines and structure your unit and integration tests, as well as integrating a mongodb and kafka server in the gitlabCI/CD environment
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The "queens" puzzle in Scala programming language
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Ledger posting micro service application with Java, Springboot and Kafka.
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Kafka producer and consumer samples using Java and Kotlin. There are two implementations: a simple one and the second using Apache Avro in both languages.
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Service clients to consume a topic from Kafka, process the values and store them in the database.
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iremos simular um pequeno sistema de solicitação de cartões. usando arquitetura de microsserviços.
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Demo project to learn Kafka messaging, using the Spring framework.
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A scalable activity aggregator for Activity Watch(https://activitywatch.net/) using Apache Kafka, Springboot and AngularJS.
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For learning purposes. A Kafka Streaming system that extracts tweets and ingest them on ElasticSearch.
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